Open Source Innovation Center

About Us

Accessibility is a fundamental aspect of software development that ensures everyone, regardless of their disabilities, language barriers or technology limitations, can access and use it. However, assistive technology, like screen readers, braille displays, captioning devices, or zooming software, is often poorly designed, hindering the user experience of individuals with visual impairments. Furthermore, accessibility takes a back seat for large companies prioritizing other aspects of software development.

To address these issues, our organization seeks highly skilled and passionate individuals to solve advanced accessibility problems and improve assistive technologies and software. The goal is to bring developers and designers together to make these tools more efficient, user-friendly and adaptable to multiple languages.

If you are a developer, engineer or UI/UX designer, living with audio-visual disabilities or passionate about building technology solutions for inclusivity, then OSIC is actively looking for you. Joining the team means contributing to a noble cause of creating an inclusive world where everyone can be independent.

Our Board Members

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur, enim id laoreet pharetra, massa nisl dapibus orci, eu cursus augue tellus a nibh. Etiam nec rutrum diam, eget ultrices purus.

Board Member photo

Member Name

Member Position

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In efficitur, enim id laoreet pharetra, massa nisl dapibus orci, eu cursus augue tellus a nibh. Etiam nec rutrum diam, eget ultrices purus.

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